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平素より格別のご高配を賜り誠に有難うございます。元 「日本料理 おりがみ 」のマダム 木村でございます。さてこの度、8月 より新しいお店「てまり」を開店いたしました。
新店舗におきましては、より多くの品揃えも可能となり、ご好評を頂いておりました日替りランチも各種ご用意しております。必ずや皆様にご満足していただけるものと存じます。 今後ともより一層のご愛顧の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。

Thank you very much for your continued patronage.
I am Madam Kimura, former of “Japanese Restaurant Origami”.
Recently we have opened a new restaurant called “Temari Japanese Restaurant” at the address below from August 2023.
The opening of our new restaurant was only possible thanks to your support, and we would like to express our sincere gratitude.
With a fresh start, we aim to make further progress. Thank you for your continued patronage.
The new restaurant has a wider selection of food, and we are happy to announce that it has been well received. We are sure that everyone will be satisfied. We look forward to your continued patronage.

Discover Our

chief specials

sushi a la carte

temari salad

tempura mix
